Lehigh Law Journal

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All other “Miscellaneous” publications- $135

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The Lehigh Law Journal is published weekly by the Bar Association and includes reviews of current cases of interest; all county legal advertisements including notices of estates, incorporations, fictitious names, sheriff’s sales and miscellaneous legal notices; court announcements; classified advertisements of specific interest to lawyers; and a Bar Association newsletter. The Lehigh Law Journal is designated by local court rule as the legal periodical for the publication of all notices.

Subscriptions are available to businesses and to the general public at an annual subscription rate of $175.00 per year. All Bar Association of Lehigh County members receive a free subscription to the Lehigh Law Journal as a membership benefit.

LEGAL ADVERTISING: ALL ADS MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN FOR PUBLICATION. DEADLINE IS 4PM ON MONDAY FOR FRIDAY’S ISSUE. (Early deadlines are published in the Law Journal at least two weeks prior).
ESTATES$160 ($155 + $5 notary fee)

MISCELLANEOUS:  $135 ($130 + $5 notary fee)  Includes but not limited to, Fictitious Name, Incorporations,  Articles of Amendment; Certificate of Authority; Detective Licenses Dissolutions; Domestic Liability; Limited Liability;  Parental Rights Termination, ETC.

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Forms can be faxed to 610-770-9826, emailed to Publications@lehighbar.org or mailed to: Lehigh Law Journal, 1114 West Walnut Street, Allentown, PA 18102

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